You Belong Here with New York map and colorful background

Hate Has No Home in New York

We're stronger together. You can protect our communities against hate by reporting a hate or bias incident.

Fair Housing

Hate and Bias Prevention Unit

File a Complaint
Under the Human Rights Law in New York, every citizen has an “equal opportunity to enjoy a full and productive life.” If someone feels they have been discriminated against they can file a complaint with the Division of Human Rights. Once a complaint is filed, the Division of Human Rights will investigate and may present the case in a public hearing.

New York has the proud distinction of being the first state in the nation to enact a Human Rights Law, which affords every citizen “an equal opportunity to enjoy a full and productive life.”  The New York State Division of Human Rights was created to enforce this important law. The mission of the agency is to ensure that " every individual . . . has an equal opportunity to participate fully in the economic, cultural and intellectual life of the State." 

Over 75 Years of Service

DHR will keep you informed of the latest updates to the state’s anti-discrimination law, upcoming events, and opportunities to partner with us. If you’re interested in receiving these updates, click below.