What is a Public Hearing
DHR investigates, prosecutes, and adjudicates complaints of unlawful discrimination. If a DHR investigation determined that there is probable cause to believe that unlawful discrimination may have occurred, the complaint will move forward to our public hearing process. A public hearing, pursuant to the Human Rights Law, is a trial-like proceeding at which relevant evidence is placed in the hearing record. It is a hearing de novo, which means that the Commissioner’s final decision on the case is based solely on the content of the hearing record. The public hearing is presided over by an Administrative Law Judge, and a verbatim transcript is made of the proceedings. The hearing may last one or more days, not always consecutive. Parties are notified of all hearing sessions in advance, and the case may be adjourned to a later date only for good cause. At the conclusion of the hearing sessions, a proposed Order is prepared by the Administrative Law Judge and is sent to the parties for comment.
Videoconference Public Hearings
The New York State Division of Human Rights (DHR) holds public hearings via a videoconference platform. Anyone who wishes to attend a public hearing, including members of the public, press, and other non-participating observers ("attendees") should email [email protected].
Attendees will be able to see and/or hear the public hearing in the same manner as the participants and will have a similar experience to sitting in a hearing room. Please note that you must email your intent to attend a hearing, to the email above, at least one business day in advance of the start of the hearing.
IMPORTANT: Any recording of a Division proceeding held by video or teleconference, including “screen-shots” or other audio or visual copying of a hearing, is absolutely prohibited.
Technical Support: The Division will not provide technical support for participants or attendees. Please contact your local IT support, and you may let us know if you are having technical difficulties by email at [email protected].
February 2025 Schedule
Updated: January 31, 2025
2/3/2025 – 2/4/2025, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
LaRae Jones; Long Island Housing Services Inc. v Best Family Realty Inc.; Frances D’Alia
Administrative Law Judge: Robert M. Vespoli
Krystyne Y. Kittle v Empire Coating, Inc.
Administrative Law Judge: Sharon A. Sorkin
2/4/2025, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Janet Bridges v Erie County Medical Center Corporation
Administrative Law Judge: Rebecca A. Clancy
2/5/2025 – 2/6/2025, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Christopher Michael Bigness v Onondaga-Cortlana-Madison BOCES
Administrative Law Judge: Sharon A. Sorkin
2/10/2025 – 2/11/2025, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Jason John Caridi v Westchester County, Department of Human Resources
Administrative Law Judge: Alexander Linzer
Kenneth D. Pitcher v New York State Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs
Administrative Law Judge: Rebecca A. Clancy
2/11/2025, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Elisha Sherry Smiley v New York City Transit Authority
Administrative Law Judge: Robert M. Vespoli
Jasmine Anderson v New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision
Administrative Law Judge: Sharon A. Sorkin
2/12/2025 – 2/13/2025, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Chad E. Reynolds v Maintenance & Management Associates, Inc.; Martha Horton
Administrative Law Judge: Rebecca A. Clancy
Barbara Adu Gyamfi v Artis SLM of Chestnut Ridge, LLC; Glenn Baxter
Administrative Law Judge: Alexander Linzer
2/12/2025 – 2/14/2025, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Nassima Abdelli-Beruh v Long Island University; Dr. Robert Domingo; Dr. Joyce Rubenstein; Lori Newman; Albert Inserra; Denise Walsh; Shannon Shakespeare
Administrative Law Judge: Robert M. Vespoli
2/18/2025 – 2/19/2025, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Marian Katz Holdridge v Orange County; Mary Jackson
Administrative Law Judge: Alexander Linzer
2/20/2025 – 2/21/2025, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Michelle Jollie v Garnet Health Medical Center
Administrative Law Judge: Alexander Linzer
2/21/2025, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Wanda Carmel v Primecare Medical of New York, Inc.
Administrative Law Judge: Sharon A. Sorkin
Renee S. Lewis v New York City Health & Hospitals Corporation D/B/A NYC Health + Hospitals
Administrative Law Judge: Rebecca A. Clancy
2/24/2025 – 2/25/2025, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
New York State, Division of Human Rights v Jacin Investors Corporation N.V.; Elliot Sohayegh; Silvia Bravo
Administrative Law Judge: Alexander Linzer
Luis Gomez Pacheco v Wells Enterprises, Inc.; Robert Majak
Administrative Law Judge: Rebecca A. Clancy
2/26/2025 – 2/27/2025, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Tasha N. Jones v Nitrix Management Company, Inc.; Planet Fitness; Joel Hughes; Ron Critelli
Administrative Law Judge: Rebecca A. Clancy
Alexander S. Renwart v Nassau County
Administrative Law Judge: Robert M. Vespoli
Benedict John Feole v Saatchi & Saatchi North America, Inc.
Administrative Law Judge: Alexander Linzer
2/26/2025 – 2/28/2025, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Pamela D. Bickford v Geneseo Central School District
Administrative Law Judge: Sharon A. Sorkin
2/28/2025, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Ashley R. Harris v Independent Art Fair, LLC; Elizabeth Dee
Administrative Law Judge: Alexander Linzer
What Occurs After the Public Hearing?
A final Order is issued by the Commissioner. The Commissioner either dismisses the complaint or finds discrimination. If discrimination is found, Respondent will be ordered to cease and desist and take appropriate action, such as reinstatement, training of staff, or provision of reasonable accommodation of disability. The Division may award money damages to Complainant including back pay and compensatory damages for mental pain and suffering, attorney’s fees, and civil fines and penalties. A Commissioner’s Order may be appealed by either party to the State Supreme Court within 60 days. Orders after hearing are transferred by the lower court to the Appellate Division for review.
Office of Administrative Law Judges
Inquiries regarding public hearings may be directed to the:
Office of Administrative Law Judges
NYS Division of Human Rights
One Fordham Plaza, Fourth Floor
Bronx, NY 10458
Tel: (718) 741-8255
eFax: (718) 741-8333
Email: [email protected]